Giovanni Spaghetti is a character in the Thomas & Friends spin-off, Paxton and the Diesels. He is a famous Italian chef who once came to the Vicarstown Dieselworks in the Series 4 episode ''The Famous Visitor'' to show all the diesels and the staff his latest recipe.
- First appearance: ''The Famous Visitor'' (Season 4)
- UK/US voice actor: Keith Wickham
- Gender: Male
- Country of origin: Italy
- Occupation: Chef
Giovanni Spaghetti came from Italy to Sodor to show off his latest recipe, the Spaghetti Flipsy Flopsy. He came to the Dieselworks onboard Harold and he showed off the recipe to the diesels and the staff, who made a barbecue for him. After he cooked the recipe, he tucked in to the barbecue. Then, he flew back home on Harold to Italy, and as he flew away, the diesels began to get sad about him going.
Giovanni Spaghetti is a famous chef who comes from Italy. He is famous for his spaghetti recipes, and makes sure he cooks them very well for all his friends. He sometimes travels around the world to show his biggest fans, and they love it, and what Giovanni does is ''bellissimo''.